Ritual Altar Oil - 15ml - witchchest
Ritual Altar Oil - 15ml - witchchest
Ritual Altar Oil - 15ml - witchchest

Ritual Altar Oil - 15ml

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Before tools are used in ritual, they first should be consecrated. This is also true of altars. A common part of consecrating an altar is applying a consecrating oil. Once you have cleaned and cleansed your altar (using a smudge or other spiritual cleansing technique) you should liberally apply your consecration oil and then energetically charge you altar. You may want to also dedicate your altar to your diety of choice.

Specifically designed for consecration, Witch Chest Altar Oil contains frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood essential oils with fractionated coconut oil as the carrier oil.

In modern magical traditions, frankincense is often used as a protection and purifying oil. Frankincense is an excellent oil to anoint and cleanse a sacred space, because it is believed that the vibrational energies of frankincense are particularly powerful.

Many people find that it makes a perfect incense or oil to use during meditation, energy work, or chakra exercises such as opening the third eye as frankincense carries spiritual properties of enlightenment, inspiration, introspection . Associated with the Sun, Moon & Jupiter.

Myrrh can be burned as an incense for purification, exorcism, protection and healing. Also, for funerary rites, connection with the dead and the underworld.

In ancient Egypt, Myrrh was often used as an offering to the goddess Isis, so if you’re doing a ritual calling upon her for assistance, incorporate myrrh into your celebration.

If you’re feeling stressed out or to help relax and calm your nerves try adding Myrrh oil in your meditation.

Myrrh resonates with the energy of Mars.

Sandalwood is known to help with Clairvoyance, divination, good luck, meditation, protection, success. Excellent oil for protection and healing.Sandalwood possesses high spiritual vibrations especially when mixed with frankincense.

In chakra work, sandalwood is associated with the root chakra at the base of the spine. Associated with both Venus and Jupiter.

*Altar oil comes in a cobalt blue or brown glass bottle with a plastic lid

** Dried lavender or wooden pentacle altar tile in pictures not included

Are you interested in learning more about our Ritual Altar Oil - 15ml?

Please reach out to me at julie@witchchest.ca

Many Blessings and Merry Meet!