Rose Buds ( Morocco) - 5g - witchchest
Rose Buds ( Morocco) - 5g - witchchest
Rose Buds ( Morocco) - 5g - witchchest

Rose Buds & Petals (Rosa Centifolia) - 5g

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Rose buds/petals are believed by many people to be a symbol of Love, Romance, Sexual Attraction and to draw Good Luck in matters of the heart. Rose is a highly versatile flower and magickal herb. Thatโ€™s why there are more ways to use dried rose petals in magick and witchcraft than you think.

Many people like roses in general, but a lot of witches tend to be especially fond of roses. After all, roses are beautiful, smell good, and embody a natural elegance of their own. For this reason, witches use rose petals in love spells and workings that relate to relationships. However, rose petals also contain potent magickal energies that donโ€™t specifically relate to love magick or romance charms. In fact, there are plenty of other spiritual uses for rose petals.

Roses have the highest vibrational frequency out of all the plants. Roseโ€™s high frequency makes it an ideal herb for cleansing.
Rose petals make an excellent offering to any deity, spirit, faery, or other interdimensional entity that you sense will enjoy.

The high-frequency energy of roses is useful for manifesting money, wealth, and other material desires. Place dried rose petals in a money poppet or sachet to boost its money-drawing powers. You can do the same with any witch bottles created for attracting money.

If youโ€™re looking for an easy way to draw money, sprinkle some dried rose petals into your wallet. This is especially helpful if you have a job that requires you to utilize your beauty and charm to make money.ย Burning dried rose petals add positive energy to fire spells. Also, it produces a lovely scent! Throw a handful of roses into a needfire to add some power to a manifestation.

Roses are associated with Aphrodite, Adonis and Eros.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Gender: feminine

*Does not include wooden tray, plate or cauldron in pictures.

**Not for internal consumption.

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Many Blessings and Merry Meet!