These beautiful full & new moon hexagon candles are handcrafted with 100% Ontario pure beeswax and dyed using natural colours by BlakByrd, a local Ottawa artisan specializing in handcrafted candles and spiritual products made with foraged materials.
The full moon is considered an appropriate time for all magick related to divination, scrying, protection, releasing, banishing, and overcoming obstacles. It is also the most appropriate time to honor, evoke or invoke lunar deities and Mother Goddesses.
The New Moon (Dark moon), when the moon appears to be completely covered in darkness is a great time for manifesting what you wish to have in your life. It is also a good time for scrying and other methods of divination. Magickal workings aimed at initiating new projects (jobs, ventures, spiritual growth etc...) are also best done within the new moon.
We are proud to be Ottawa's ritual product store.
Many Blessings!