Stainless Steel Tongs - 3 Types - witchchest
Stainless Steel Tongs - 3 Types - witchchest
Stainless Steel Tongs - 3 Types - witchchest
Stainless Steel Tongs - 3 Types
Stainless Steel Tongs - 3 Types

Stainless Steel Tongs - 3 Types

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Beautifully stamped with a triquetra, triple Moon or pentacle these stainless steel tongs are intended to make using charcoal incense a little easier. You can use the tongs to light your charcoal before placing it into your burner, or to pick the charcoal up to rearrange it.


The Triquetra symbolizes the three faces of the Goddess, balance of the Mind, Body and Spirit. The circle signifies the ever-turning cycle of life, death and rebirth. Germanic neopagan groups who use the Triquetra to symbolize their faith generally believe it is originally of Norse and Germanic origins. The symbol is also sometimes used by wiccans and some new agers to symbolize the Triple Goddess, or as a protective symbol.


The pentacle is perhaps one of the most recognizable symbols that Wiccans and Pagans use. The base symbol is the five-pointed star, which can be drawn non-stop without lifting pen from paper. Enclosing the pentacle is often a circle. For many Wiccans and Pagans the pentacle is a symbol that represents magic and magical workings as a whole. For others itā€™s used as a talisman, a connection to the divine, to open and close circles and a myriad of other ritual uses.


The Triple Moon is used in Pagan and Wiccan teachings. It represents the threefold nature of the Goddess: As maiden, mother and crone.


*Tongs measure approximately 5.75"L by 0.75"W

**Does not include dried lavender, dried rosemary or wooden tray in pictures.

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